अब त तिहार पनि सकिन लाग्यो | अब त ठ्याम्मै तीन वर्ष लागेछ, दशैं र तिहार नमनाएको पनि | घरि घरि घर-परिवारको यादले सताएर हैरान पार्छ | तेत्ति साह्रो प्रगति पनि गर्न सकेको होइन | न त घर-परिवारलाई पैसा पठाउन सकिएको छ, न त आफुले नै चित्तबुझ्दो कमाउन सकिएको छ |
साह्रै असन्तुष्ट पो भैयो त यहाँको जिन्दगानी देखेर | राम्रोसंग खानबस्नको समेत ठेगान नहुनु भनेको साह्रै दु:खलाग्दो कुरा हैन र ? पढाइ सकेपछी के गर्ने भन्ने चिन्ता त छंदैछ | आह , मलाई त सधैंभरी व्यग्रताले सताइरहन्छ | यो कर्ममा पनि के लेखेको रहेछ कुन्नि ? लाइफ मा कहिले के प्रोब्लेम कहिले के प्रोब्लेम म त अब वाक्क नै भैसकें | कहिले समस्याले छोडेको होइन , होइन यो समय पनि कस्तो भन्या? मलाई मात्र किन समस्याले पछ्याइरहेको होला !
जिन्दगीमा यस्तो गर्छु उस्तो गर्छु भनेर सोच्यो , तर आफुले सोचेजस्तो केहि हुन सकेको होइन | कहिले कार एक्सिडेन्ट त कहिले सख्त घाइते हुनु पर्ने, लौ न प्रभु मलाई उद्धार गर, सधैं समस्याग्रस्त नबनाइराख |
जे भएपनि मेरो ब्लगका सम्पूर्ण पाठकहरुलाई लक्ष्मीपूजा अर्थात् दिपावली को मंगलमय शुभकामना | र भाइटिका पनि भब्यताकासाथ मनाउनु होला | यहि कामना गर्न चाहन्छु , सम्पूर्ण नेपाली दाजुभाइ, दिदीबहिनीहरुलाई |
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
बिदेशी भूमिमा मेरो जीबन
आज मलाई के लेखौं के लेखौं भएको छ ? आफैंमा सोचिरहेको छु - यो जिन्दगीको बारेमा | कहिलेकाँही त आफैंलाई पट्यार लागेर आउँछ ! बिदेशी भूमिमा कहिलेसम्म बस्नु पर्ने हो भनेर | तथापी के गर्नु , कर्म यस्तै रैछ | तर हेरौं, केहि त अवस्य होला ढिलोचाँडो | न खानाको ठेगान छ न त सुत्ने र बस्ने नै, खाली काम भन्यो,पढाई भन्यो, आफ्नो स्वास्थ्यको ख्याल गर्न पनि कति गाह्रो |
भेटिएका साथीभाई पनि अधिकांश स्वार्थी नै, के गर्नु यस्तै बनाउँदो रहेछ यहाको परिवेशले मान्छेलाई | सबै आ-आफ्नो काममा तल्लिन , न कसैलाई कसैको मतलब छ, न त अरुलाई गर्नुपर्ने सहयोगको वास्ता नै |
तर पनि कतिपय भने चाहीं सहयोगी पनि छन् है | केहीले निकै घतलाग्दो सहयोग गरेका छन् | ती सम्पूर्ण साथीहरुप्रति आभार ब्यक्त गर्दछु | अरु कुराहरु यही ब्लगमा थप्दै गरौंला , अहिलेलाई चाहीं छुट्टीऊँ होला | जदो !
भेटिएका साथीभाई पनि अधिकांश स्वार्थी नै, के गर्नु यस्तै बनाउँदो रहेछ यहाको परिवेशले मान्छेलाई | सबै आ-आफ्नो काममा तल्लिन , न कसैलाई कसैको मतलब छ, न त अरुलाई गर्नुपर्ने सहयोगको वास्ता नै |
तर पनि कतिपय भने चाहीं सहयोगी पनि छन् है | केहीले निकै घतलाग्दो सहयोग गरेका छन् | ती सम्पूर्ण साथीहरुप्रति आभार ब्यक्त गर्दछु | अरु कुराहरु यही ब्लगमा थप्दै गरौंला , अहिलेलाई चाहीं छुट्टीऊँ होला | जदो !
Friday, September 25, 2009
Best Time to Take "Tika" for this year (वि. सं. २०६६)

विजया दशमीको टिका र आर्शीवाद थाप्न साइत विशेष कुर्न भने नपर्ने समितिले उल्लेख गरेको छ। “दुर्गा माताको प्रसाद लगाउन र आर्शीवादका लागि कुनै साइत जुराउन आवश्यक पर्दैन,” समितिका अध्यक्ष डा. माधव भट्टराईले भने, “साइतमै टिका लगाउन सुरु गर्ने हो भने ११ बज्न पाँच मिनेटअगाडि सबैभन्दा शुभ छ।”

मेरो ब्लगका सम्पूर्ण पाठकहरुमा दशैंको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना | तपाईंले चाहेको पुगोस् र तपाईंका आवश्यकताहरु पुरा होउन् | यही नै मेरो कामना छ |
best time,
bijaya dashami,
dr madhav bhattarai,
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Best Video I Have Made Ever
This is the best video I have made ever. It has got a significant number of views in Youtube. I was shocked when I saw so many views in 2 months. I never believed that would really happen.
Here's a video for my bloglover. See it once guys.
To watch in Youtube, please follow a link:
If clicking a link did not work, then copy and paste it in your browser.
Here's a video for my bloglover. See it once guys.
To watch in Youtube, please follow a link:
If clicking a link did not work, then copy and paste it in your browser.
hot video,
nepali actor,
nepali actress,
nepali film,
nepali movie,
Rekha Thapa,
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I need work
I am looking for work. I have no car to travel. So, I have not gone far to look for work. I just go to school and return back to home everyday. I would really appreciate anyone who helps me to find a job.
Life without work is boring. You got nothing to do if you don't have work. Living in a place without public transport is awful. It sucks.
I am looking for cheaper car to buy. It is hard to get one. Hopefully, I will find one and it will definitely help me to work here in my city.
Life without work is boring. You got nothing to do if you don't have work. Living in a place without public transport is awful. It sucks.
I am looking for cheaper car to buy. It is hard to get one. Hopefully, I will find one and it will definitely help me to work here in my city.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My painful life
I always live in stress. I always had problems. Even today, I have problems. Let me start with last summer. I had a terrible car accident. It was a head-on collision. I was badly injured and my car was wrecked. Thank God, you kept me alive. Till then, I have not slept well, eaten well and thought well. I missed a chance to work in summer. It passed doing nothing. I had to take rest because of injuries. The other reason I could not work was having no car.
I always wonder why one after another problem comes in my life and why I can't live peacefully.
Sometimes, I have problems with my family and sometimes with my friends. I believe I always do a right thing taking decisions but people think the different way. I always seek a fair path that is beneficial to all parties but people think the partial way.
I always wonder why one after another problem comes in my life and why I can't live peacefully.
Sometimes, I have problems with my family and sometimes with my friends. I believe I always do a right thing taking decisions but people think the different way. I always seek a fair path that is beneficial to all parties but people think the partial way.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I am a leader of my world
Most of the time I think I am a leader of my world. I act, talk, walk, eat, travel and study in my way. Nobody could disengage me from my task. I feel happy with myself doing my stuff. Nobody could never NEVER interrupt me. I am really my type of guy. I personally think myself as a sole actor in this world.
Matter of fact, this selfish world has forced me to think that way. And, because I have no parents with me and no good friends with me, the sole friend and parent to me is my own little world.
Matter of fact, this selfish world has forced me to think that way. And, because I have no parents with me and no good friends with me, the sole friend and parent to me is my own little world.
little world,
sole actor,
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